CGCU: President


Shaheer Chaudry

Helloooo, Shaheer (Shazza) here! How many CGCU events have you participated in? If not many, please read ahead. I've come to realise that only a marginal amount of students know the role CGCU plays, other than holding the annual fresher's ball. Initially, even I was hesitant to apply as I had little clue what CGCU did. As Engineering Undergradute Rep for Union, president and tresurerer of 5+ CSPs, I believe I'm t ...

Robin Gupta

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Daniel Zhuo

Hi, my name is Daniel Zhuo. Having grown up in South Africa and lived in the US, I have been exposed to a diverse range of cultures and perspectives, which grant me a deep appreciation for the value of inclusivity in addressing the complex issues that our community faces. Every student deserves to have their needs taken care of. As CGCU president, I prioritise optimizing your college experience quality and that you ...

Alex Owusu

Hi, I’m Alex! Having experienced much of what CGCU has to offer this year, as DoCSoc President and CGCU Guildsheet editor, I’m now running for President to build a better CGCU for everyone. As President, I will put you first: Reduce prices of large events such as the annual dinner. Reintroduce Inter-Engineering Sports Day. Ensure CGCU holds more frequent events to foster a stronger sense of commun ...

Shreya Seshan

I am Shreya Seshan and I’m running to be your next CGCU president! I am a second year Aeronautical Engineering student and during my time at Imperial, I’ve had a chance to connect with numerous members of the engineering community through my involvement in various CSPs like ICAV, Indian Society and Fashion. Furthermore, through being the Head of the most prestigious Bollywood dance competition in the UK, ...