Photo of Oscar O'Flanagan

Oscar O'Flanagan

Deputy President (Clubs & Societies)

I'm Oscar. After three years of running societies, I'm want to be your deputy president for CSPs. If you've been on the committee of any society in the past few years you'll know what a pain it is when the union's systems seem to change every year. If elected, I promise not to completely change everything. Let's have some continuity for once.

That said, I'm all for a few quality-of-life improvements, particularly when it comes to room bookings. Here's what I'd like to do:

  • make it so you actually get receipts or copies of the forms you fill in. Ever fill in a form and then forget what you put on it? I sure have.
  • improve communication between the union and departments when it comes to booking rooms
  • let you see who else has a room booking currently in progress. So that you don't find out the day before your event that the 300-person lecture theatre went to the medics' relativistic basket weaving society and all 1.3 of its members.
  • (hopefully) increase the number of spaces you can book
  • (hopefully) reduce the response time for the forms
  • Cut down on the length of emails you get
  • Stop using Microsoft Teams as a means of communication. Everyone hates Teams and I'm well aware of that.

Basically, if I am elected, things might be slightly better when it comes to running and participating in CSPs, and that's the most anyone can realistically promise. Thanks for reading.