RSMU: Treasurer


Sarah Zha

Greetings, I am Ying Zha, also known as Sarah, a second year Geophysics student at Earth Science and Engineering department. I would like to nominate myself for the position of RSMU treasurer. As a second year Wellbeing Rep, my responsibilities encompass safeguarding the welfare of the students, representing their perspectives during meetings, and fostering a cohesive community. This experience has honed my abiliti ...

Natasha Precious

Hi, I am Natasha and I am running for Treasurer for 2023-24. I am in my 3rd year studying Geophysics and am currently Treasurer for RSM Hockey and Secretary for RSM Netball. I have been diligent in my roles and feel that my role as Treasurer for RSM Hockey has prepared me for the role, as everyone knows that the union can be difficult and I have had experience with them. As Treasurer I would aim to: Take good car ...