CGCU: Activities Chair


Matej Kusik

Hi!I'm Matej and here’s why I think I deserve your vote CGCU Activities Chair. Engineering is hard. Engineering at Imperial is harder.From impossible exams to constant coursework and endless tutorial sheets, Imperial throws a lot at us... and sometimes we just need a break. Luckily, that’s where I come in. I aim to organise a wide range of events. From pub crawls to fancy dinners; from chilled ice cream ...

Justin Keung

Hi! I’m Justin from Computing and I’ve been the Activities Chair for the past year. I’m excited to organise a multitude of events for 9,000 Imperial engineers for another year. C&G Week: This year, we’ve had a karaoke night, dog petting, and a boat party to end the C&G Week. Next year, I’ll work with the team of Events Officers to plan an even greater range of on-campus and of ...

Swapnil Kumar

I would like to introduce myself as an applicant for the CGCU: Activities Chair role at Imperial College Union. I am a graduate student in the Department of Aeronautics and a scholar from Imperial College London, Boeing and the Royal Aeronautical Society, UK and currently doing my joint thesis with NASA Langley Research Center and Imperial College London. I have also received laurels as a Scholar from the Imper ...

Creyaag Rampersad

Hello once again my engineering brothers and sisters! I'm Creyaag, a 2nd year mechanical engineering student, and the current events officer for CGCU. I've spent the past year contributing much to CGCU, and I would love nothing more than to strengthen that in the year ahead. Along with CGCU events officer, my experience includes being a secretary, social secretary, and wellbeing rep for other societies and for my co ...