Civil & Environmental Engineering (UG): Departmental Academic Representative


Ingrid Fung

Hi everyone! I’m Ingrid, currently in my second year. Like most of you, tackling this degree is no easy feat; I aim to help relieve any academic difficulties you may be facing - we all deserve a good work-life balance! As department academic representative, I will ensure: Everyone's opinion is heard and presented to the department Propose and negotiate more positive changes based on students’ feedbac ...

Cavin Ganesh

Hello Everyone! My name is Cavin and I am a third year civil engineering who is running to be your departmental representative for next year! Having already been the academic departmental representative previously, I aim to continue and improve your working environment on campus and represent the department on. I also aim to promote academic support between year groups and working with CivSoc to promote more academ ...

Anton Glotov

Hi, my name is Anton. I am running for the departmental academic representative position because I believe in a healthy relationship between students, their studies, and their professors as well as a motivating environment. That is precisely why I will aim to bridge the gap between students and the academic staff by means of informal events where students would get to know their lecturers better to make them more com ...