Computing (UG): Departmental Academic Representative


Nishant Jalan

Hello everyone! My name is Nishant, and I am standing up for Academic Representative of the Computing Department. As the Year One Academic Representative, I believe I have achieved the needed experience to ensure all opinions are heard. My previous and ongoing work with the department includes shuffling the in-person and pre-recorded lectures for second year, extending necessary deadlines, reporting AV defects and i ...

Angus Leung

Hi! My name is Angus and I am a first year Computing student. I am applying for the role of Academic Representative because I want to make a positive impact on the student community. I believe that as a representative, I will be able to voice the opinions and concerns of my fellow students and work collaboratively with faculty and staff to create a better learning environment for all. In high school, I was elected ...

Krish Maha

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.