RCSU: President


Kye Choo

Hi everyone! My name is Kye and I am a second year Physics student from Malaysia. Due to the word limit of 250, I have to keep this short and summarised. Below are my aims if I were to be elected as President of RCSU: Tuition fees - Imperial increases tuition fees in-line with inflation and according to the Office for National Statistics, inflation as of Jan 2023 is at 8.8%. This translates to an approximate incr ...

Eshaan Niraj

Hey there! I'm Eshaan, a Physics student. I believe that a strong leader listens to their community and strives to make it a better place. As your President, I promise to lead with empathy, kindness, and an unwavering commitment to your needs. My vision for the RCSU is to create a student-led organisation that represents and advocates for all students in the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Through my leadership, we wi ...

Trinity Stenhouse

Hi Everyone, I’m Trinity, your current RCSU President and previously both your VPO and VPA. I’m running for re-election, as with my years of experience as a Union volunteer, and experience leading RCSU Committee, I’m best placed to ensure continuity in the RCSU’s aims and operations, and that we do the best we can to improve your student experience. This year, I have delivered on my manife ...