ICSMSU: Academic Officer for Early Years


Dania Hafid

Why am I running?The past year, as Year 2 Academic representative has demonstrated to me just how passionate I am about the improvement of medical education at ICSM. Advocating for and successfully obtaining a faculty-approved mock gave me a sense of fulfillment I would love to utilise in continuing to advocate for all students in Phase 1. This does not solely impact with my own cohort however, many of the changes ma ...

Yousuf Yaqub

Hey guys, I’m Yousuf - I’ve been an academic rep for the past 2 years and I’m super passionate about student advocacy and making things better for everyone at ICSM. My main priorities if elected AI powered question bank: Implementing an AI-powered question bank to create extensive examination material is an easy solution to give us the practice questions we need without burdening faculty. Atte ...