RSMU: Vice President Welfare


David Zhang

Hi, I am Jiamu Zhang, also called David, a first-year undergraduate from Material Science and Engineering. I am here to stand for Vice President Welfare! Three things that I want to achieve in the following years, which are helping RSM students get more help from department, balancing study and life more and being happier. These are aims for our RSM students. As for me, I am the Vice President in high school and cur ...

Jay Haley

Hello Fellow Miners, My name is Jay Haley and I will be running for VP ( Welfare ). Welfare and mental health is something that is very very important to me and I would love to continue to ensure that our union is safe, incusive and welcoming. As students we all know the effects that our academic pursuits may have on our mental health and wellbeing. To mitagate this as much possible I would love to implement stra ...