Mechanical Engineering (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative


Zeliana Paspati

Hello Mech Eng Students! I am Zeliana and I would love to be your well-being representative. Having been elected to represent you earlier this year, I have really enjoyed the work and responsibilities of the well-being dep rep. I am looking foreward to continue expressing our needs and wishes for our department.

Creyaag Rampersad

Wellbeing is a crucial component of MechEng, yet it is often neglected. It can shape, and hinder, our entire year. It has a massive impact on our social lives, and on our academic performance. The past year has been a little quiet on the wellbeing front - and it is something which I plan to change. I am Creyaag, a 2nd year MechEng student. I have been wellbeing year rep for the past 2 years, and have worked closely ...