CGCU: Clubs and Societies Chair


Khemi Chew

Hi! I am Khemi, some of you may know me from DoCSoc events or IC Hack. As the Hackathons Coordinator of DoCSoc and an active member of CGCU, I have gained so much from being part of them and would hope too for every member of CGCU (yes you!) to enjoy your time whilst at Imperial. The role of the Clubs and Societies Chair requires a good understanding of how finance, expenditure and budgeting work in line with ...

Yirui Wang

Hi! I’m Yirui, an undergraduate student studying Molecular Bioengineering. I’ve always been an active member of various clubs and societies. From sports, to cultural, to charity, to academic, to arts and entertainments. These experiences provided me with the opportunity to explore beyond my academic curriculum while making meaningful connections with people from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, I fully ac ...