CGCU: Clubs and Societies Officer


Khemi Chew

Hi! I am Khemi, some of you may know me from DoCSoc events or IC Hack. As the Hackathons Coordinator of DoCSoc and an active member of CGCU, I have gained so much from being part of them and would hope too for every member of CGCU (yes you!) to enjoy your time whilst at Imperial. The role of the Clubs and Societies Officer requires a good understanding of how finance, expenditure and budgeting work in line with ...

Naman Khan

Albert Einstein once said that imagination is more important than knowledge. I agree. Now, just because I agree with Al on one small quote does that make me as smart as him? YES. Last night, I thought about what I would do if a fire started in the campus. Using my imagination, I single handedly saved everyone, starting first with the people at Fusion. These days you hear all about the economic crisis, bankruptcy and ...