ICSMSU: Clubs & Societies Vice Chair - Volunteering and Academics


Defne Artun

Hey! I’m Defne and I’m running to be your next Volunteering and Academics Vice Chair for next year! I’m a fourth-year medical student and would love to help support the V&A societies. Through my various positions, V&A societies have had an incredible impact on my time at ICSM and I believe I have the experience to help societies run efficiently (see below). Throughout my academic journe ...

Anitha Uthayasooriyan

Hi guys!! My name is Anitha and I’d love to be your Clubs & Societies Vice Chair for V&A! I’m currently a 3rd-year medic and being involved/participating in V&A societies has been so fun over the years. As Vice Chair for V&A, I want to keep promoting the incredible work these societies do and help work with them to provide an inclusive space. From the weekly tutorials & academic tutor ...

Shivani Welling

Hello everyone! I’m Shivani and I’m running to be your next VCVA! Our societies are the most integral part of the ICSM experience, from helping students pass exams to fostering the community we know and love. Holding leadership positions in several V&A societies, ranging from HaemSoc Conference Lead to RAG, I possess invaluable insight into how V&A societies function. Additionally, being social ...