Mathematics: Vice President


Gautam Jain

In first year I had a lot of fun with MathSoc so in second year I joined the committee. Some of the top events I've organised this year have been (and there is much more still to come, especially once the days are longer and warmer): Our victory (by default. But still W) in RCSU football. Christmas dinner. Mini golf at Puttshack. Countdown numbers game (my personal favourite out of the games nights so far). (And ...

Vicente Garcia Valls

Hey, I’m Vicente, a current second year Maths student. I am incredibly excited to run for the Vice-president position. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first two years at Imperial, and would like to give back by taking a committee position in the MathSoc. I am an active member of the society and have previously been involved as a helper in it, most recently helping organize and being a marker for the Integration Be ...