Malaysian: Vice President


Xiao Jun Tan

As an introvert, I was daunted by the fact that none of my close friends was coming to study at the same university. Fast forward to now, I met all my closest friends through ICMS events such as freshers camp and most importantly, MNight. Practices for MNight have provided me with a sense of home as I met people that share the same language, interests, tastes, and same passion to promote Malaysian culture together. B ...

Anson Chin

Hello everyone, my name is Anson Chin and I am currently studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering. As someone who has experienced the enjoyment and fervour that comes with MNight, I am beyond thrilled to be running for the role of Vice President this academic year. I am extremely passionate about MNight and would love to share my experiences to support and encourage my future juniors just the way my seniors had ...