Computing: President


David Davies

Hello ML my ML fellow DEEP LEARNING docsocers NEURAL I research NETWORK an AI irrelevant MULTI-AGENT field. DoAIdoAIdoAI.Come to my AI lecture series.Come to my ML seminars.You have been invited (summoned) to the MULTI DEEP AGENT lecture about medical data ... okay few that should've gotten rid of all the "scientists". Let's talk shop. Why vote for me? I'm better than you.You: undergrad. Me: postgrad. I could defeat ...

Pratyaksh Sharma

Hi, I'm Pratyaksh! I'm a second-year Computing student and currently DoCSoc's Marketing and Publicity Officer. This means I've spent the last year working at the boundary between DoCSoc committee and our 1700+ members, putting me in a great position to take on the role of President. My work so far This year: I've helped organise events from Sponsors' Exhibition to IC Hack 23, from Welcome Bar Night to the Boat P ...