Civil Engineering: Chair


Hayley Uffindell-Esparon

Hello all, I’m Hayley :) I am running for the position of the chair of Civsoc and below I’m going to tell you some reasons why you should vote for me: I have spent the last year on the Civsoc committee as events officer and have been very proactive in planning events such as the pub crawl, bar night, christmas dinner and end of year boat party (more info coming soon …) ;) I am the only cur ...

Mahmoud Farrag

As civil engineering students, we have difficult modules and long hours. Therefore, it is important that we are supported by societies such as CIVSOC. However, the society has suffered after COVID and has not fully recovered since. Under my leadership, I believe that we can return CIVSOC to its former greatness. Some of the ideas I would implement are: Have more social events (Boat party, Olympics, Lego building ...

Gregor Mackenzie

I am currently in my third year of Civil Engineering, and am keen to see CivSoc continue to rise back to it's pre-covid glory. I firmly believe that CivSoc should work for everyone in the department. Having been an academic year rep for the last two years, I am very keen to promote the representation network at both a departmental and a year group level, and provide support to the representatives throughout the depa ...