Badminton: Chairperson


Peter Xie

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Justin Mak

When I first undertook research about what it takes to be a good badminton president, I looked to the past to try and understand how I could be successful in the future. In preparation for this election, I held some interviews to gather opinions on the current president, Tom. I heard that "he can't grow facial hair", and "he's never won at bowling", etc. Now, are these characteristics that you’d like someone to ...

Mihir Acharya

Hi everyone! I'm Mihir Acharya, a second year ElE student. For those of you who don’t know me, I am the current IC Badminton Treasurer for the 22/23 season and have been a First Team player for the past two years. I am running for the role of President as I feel that I am the best person to lead the society for the 23/24 season. As president, my priorities will be to further develop our club by: Introducin ...

Chris Lau

Hey, my name is Chris Zhen Wai Lau and I'm a Second-Year Chemical Engineer. This year I've been an active member of the society; regularly attending social sessions, training sessions, and events. Due to this, I've gained a good understanding of the culture and operations of the society and as a result, I'm mindful of what could be improved for the coming year. This being the first uninterrupted year has had its ch ...