Photo of Monika Koppuravuri

Monika Koppuravuri

Engineering Change: President

I am Monika, a second year currently studying Electronic and Information Engineering and I am excited to be running for the role of President for Engineering Change.

As the Women in Electrical Engineering (WiEE) society's Events Officer, I have experience organising events. Working with children and their parents as well as in various teams has helped me improve my communication abilities. Combine that with my adaptability and patience, I believe that I have the right skillset for this role.

If I were to get President, my goals would include:

  • Environmental Sustainability initiatives giving us a chance to develop solutions that are more sustainable and environment friendly, maybe even innovate solutions to overcome small hurdles associated with climate change and renewable energy.
  • Collaborative Projects with other societies (e.g. Medics Societies) in order to address humanitarian projects, like developing low-cost medical devices for communities in need.
  • Friendly Student Competitions to introduce a bit of fun and healthy competition as well as giving other people a chance to showcase their skills. We could also host competitions for younger years to encourage creativity early on.
  • Industry Partnerships from massive organisations and companies that would be very beneficial as it could provide members of the society with access to resources like mentorship programs, and networking opportunities.

In conclusion, with my skills, passion, and creative ideas, I think I would make a great president who is eager to create a society that will have an impact for the better. I hope you think the same!