Indian: Treasurer


Rohan Ooken

Hi everyone, I’m Rohan, a second year maths student and I will be running for the post of treasurer. If elected for the treasurer of Indian society: I will ensure that the funds of the society and its members are managed efficiently, effectively and transparently. Cost Management: I will ensure that the society's resources are used efficiently and that costs are managed effectively. Collaboration: I will ...

Arunabh Bagchi

Being your treasurer for 2023 would be an honour, and a privilege, so here is why you should pick me: Working at multiple financial services companies, I can assure you that I'm great with money: Whether it be creating balance sheets for the society, or modelling expenditure, you can be certain that I will have it sorted. I realise that building a rapport and being organised is a massive part of the ro ...

Hrishikesh Venkatesh

Hello, my name is Hrishi, and I am a 1st year Electrical and Electronic Engineering student standing in hopes of becoming the treasurer for the Imperial Indian Society. I reckon I would be a good choice for the treasurer of Imperial Indian Society, due to my course, I have a lot of experience in using softwares relevant to the role. In addition to this, as treasurer I would be able to take the pressure off the event ...