Singapore: Treasurer


Johnny Xiao

Hi! I am Johnny Xiao, a first-year studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I am running for Treasurer of the Imperial College Singapore Society. As your treasurer, I wish to make the processing of your payments and claims as seamless as possible. I will do my utmost to ensure that ICSS is budgeted well and our resources are allocated efficiently and meaningfully. Together with the rest of the EXCO, I promise ...

Josh Jacob

Hi Everyone! I'm Josh, a year 1 Bioengineering student and I'm running for treasurer! I believe that I have the skills and experience necessary to manage Singsoc's finances effectively. I do have some experiences in the field. In the army, I was my unit's finance specialist and I managed the unit's funding, kept accounts and processed all the relevant paperwork in a methodical and organised manner. I am also a go ...