ABACUS: Junior Treasurer


Jonathan Cheung

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Celina Shin

Hi! My name is Celina and I’m a first-year biotechnology student and I am running for Treasurer next year! As someone who has grown up in Hong Kong, finding ABACUS was truly the best uni experience I could ever come across. It had everything I could look for in a society: welcoming people, the inclusive environment, and of course the amazing clubbing events and food that reminds you of home. It is the unforget ...

Angus Leung

Hi! My name is Angus and I am a first year Computing student. I am running for ABACUS Treasurer because lowkey it'd be quite sick to be on the committee and I don't club enough to be President :') In high school, I was elected and served in the Student Council for 4 consecutive years, serving as Treasurer (2018-2020), Vice-Chairman (2020-2021), and Chairman (2021-2022) - and I believe that my experience would tra ...