Mechanical Engineering: Vice Chair Finance


Kuljeet Singh

Hi, I'm Kuljeet and I'm a 2nd-year mech eng student. I'm standing for the Vice Chair of Finance role because I want to have an active role in making your time at Imperial College as fun as possible by helping out with budgeting for a variety of events. I understand that our department has a lot of events planned, and I'm committed to ensuring that our budget is maximized to make these events as awesome as possible. ...

Patrick Boon

Hello, my name is Patrick and as the Vice-Chair in Finance for the Mechanical Engineering society, I will strive to manage and oversee our organisation’s finances in a responsible and principled manner, primarily by using our allocated funds in the most efficient, effective and sustainable way. If I become the Vice-Chair in Finance, I will ensure that: I regularly and closely communicate and work with all o ...