Chemical Engineering: Treasurer


Shaheer Chaudry

'THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH' While it's true, I WANT to make this statement FALSE to members of ChemEngSoc! Some might know me as the free-pizza hunter, and rest assured, I plan to do something similar... As Money Makes the world go around; money, or the lack thereof, is also the root of most problems. Accordingly, the (last) person you want to hire is an Accountant as they will make sure to keep the ledge ...

Bide Chen

Hey everyone, I'm Bide, currently a second-year chemical engineering student. In the past two years, I have dedicated myself to serving you all as a ChemEngSoc Industrial Relations Officer (Spot me in the IR Newsletters :) ). ChemEngSoc has always been an integral part of the department, so I am aspired to make a step further to take up an executive role to bring everyone all the careers and social benefits. Exper ...