Hockey: Junior Treasurer


Matthew Marsh

Watch my presentation at AGM. If you are unable to attend (TLDR): Know the club well and how union finance stuff works as have good exec experience Lots of outside experience in hockey and sports clubs so lots of different ideas to what might work and what won't Give up lots of time for club - M3s coach, M1s captain, probably umpired most of you before at one time or another. New ideas to do with club spending ...

Benaka Gireesh

HELLO fellow hockey enthusiasts, some of you may know that I currently hold a VERY important comittee position within ICHC... WEBSEC. This year I want to take my contributions to our beloved hockey community EVEN further - by making sure ICHC manages its funds correctly - how exciting! Main plans: Key: Idea, (how it will be implemented), {Budget} Boost fresher signups (every fresher who signs up gets a £5 ...