Cycling: Treasurer


William Chen

My name is Daiyang Chen (William), and I am running for 'Cycling: Treasurer'. My mission as treasurer of the University Cycling Society is to promote sustainable, safe, and enjoyable cycling for all members of the society. As treasurer, I will work with the executive committee to ensure that membership fees are fairly set, that all members’ contributions are tracked, and that all funds are managed responsibly ...

Mark Humphries

I'm Mark, a third year Maths student, and I'm re-running for this year's treasurer. I've learned a lot this year and I'm excited to bring an experienced perspective to the ICCC committee. This year we've done a lot I'm really proud of: Heavily subsidising club kit Securing tour grant funding and trip proposals very early in the year. Tickets available for summer tour in the next few weeks. Facilitating the intr ...