Netball: Junior Treasurer


Anna Renshaw

Hi everyone! I am running for treasurer in 2023/24! If you don’t already know I have been on committee for two years now as firstly social sec and then as treasurer this year. I also study aero and I am going into my final year! Having me as your treasurer for this year will be beneficial as I have a really good understanding of how the netball finances work and how to navigate eactivities and the union! I also ...

Grace Bryden

Hello, I am currently a first year biologist and I am running for treasurer as I want to get more involved in the best society at Imperial 😁😁. I have been playing netball for most of my life and just love it so much so I want to help out the society, ensuring it thrives for another year. I understand the importance of the role and, although I have no experience on uni society committees as I am only a fresher, I am ...