Outdoor: Treasurer


Krzysztof Dygon

Hello, my name is Krzysztof. I'm a first year Biochemistry student. I'll be running for committee as I believe the outdoor club is the best society at Imperial. Since joining this year, my passion for climbing and hiking has grown. I've been involved in a spectrum of different activities including weekend trips, social events and indoor climbing sessions. As committee member I would love to share my enthusiasm with o ...

Ashley Tan

Hello! I'm Ashley and I'd like to run for Treasurer. As a fresher, joining The Outdoor Club has been one of the best decisions I've made. I've really enjoyed the weekly activities run by the club, especially the trips to the Peak District, Dover, and Snowdonia (the photo of me was taken on Mount Snowdon on one of the Outdoor Club trips!) which have furthered my love for hiking and climbing. It has been great meeting ...