Students for Global Health: Secretary


Diogo Izidoro

Hey! My name is Diogo, I'm a third year medical student, and I'm running to be your Secretary. I'm really interested in Public Health and have explored this through my current role as Education Officer for Imperial Nutritank. In this role, I've helped to lobby faculty towards improving nutritional education in the undergraduate medical curriculum, and I've led a team that deployed our volunteering initiative (Nutrit ...

Aidan Birdi

Hi! I'm Aidan - I'm a second year medical student running to be the secretary for SfGH Imperial! I'm passionate about Public Health and Global Health, particularly with the spread of tropical communicable diseases. I'd love to be part of SfGH Imperial, as it is such an amazing cause led by students! I have really enjoyed the events that SfGH has run this year and last! The conference last year was a big highlight! ...