Ju-Jitsu: Social Secretary


Ghazi Zein

Hey, my name's Ghazi and I'm running for social secretary this year! As a social secretary, I'd love to expand the great camaraderie we have going in the jitsu society by organising some more jitsu socials - be it the more traditional pub outings, or activities like bowling. Throughout the year I've gotten to know most people at jitsu, and so personally I would love to be able to ensure more opportunities for soci ...

Matt Luksys

As social sec I will aim to organise inclusive and fun outings, working with the treasurer to subsidise events to the best of the club's ability. Any outings which would include eating would be set in restaurants with both halal and vegan options. Examples of the kind of activities you could see in the future include bowling, axe throwing, paintball, crazy golf, karaoke and more. During the planning stage of any e ...

Adam Meziane

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.