Cross Country & Athletics: Social Secretary


Freddie Nicholson

Hello ICXCAC, I am excited to be running for social sec for the academic year of 2023. Not only will we finally be able to go to the ball pit bar as featured in the Apprentice, but I will make sure that alongside my fellow social sec that there are amazing drinking and non-drinking events. I already think we have a great social scene, but I have already started a mini recruitment drive of new first years and would ...

Aran Takhar

I know what you’re thinking, after this year who's going to step to keep bringin us top drawer socials? Fear not. The affectionately named Aran “liability” Takhar is bringing some Silk Road spice to the 23/24 season. Fresh off a court case win against Llanelli Aldi, you know I got that bag for countless jägerbombs at the slug.I'm running to help bring extra vibrancy to the ICXCAC lifestyle we k ...