ABACUS: Sports Officer


Marcus Chien

Dear ABACUS sports enthusiasts, I am excited to run for the position of ABACUS Sport officer next year. My goal is to expand opportunities for members to engage in ABACUS sports and promote activities and events on social media. I will work to build a strong network with other clubs and organizations in imperial as well as other universites and organize fun and inclusive competitions. As your Sport Secretary, I wil ...

Samuel Chong

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Jed Lan

Hi, I am Jed, a first-year Materials student. I'm running for Sports sec for one of the most social societies in IC. You've probably seen me at most abacus events, with this hair of mine it's quite hard to miss. Abacus events have definitely been highlights of my year. With a fun start at 10-10 and the way too crowded winter ball. With my involvements in the IC football team. I am committed to bringing innovation to ...