Mahjong: President


Don-Angelo Sfeir

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Bide Chen

Hi everyone! I am Bide (Peter), currently a second-year chemical engineering student and the technical instructor of the Mahjong Society. I am standing for the Mahjong President in the upcoming school year. I will strive for bringing you a more exciting mahjong experience new year! Why am I suitable for this role? I am a Mahjong Lover! I am an experienced mahjong player in terms of breadth and depth. As such, I ...

Kagan Pekgoz

I have been a part of Mahjong ever since I started ICL and always found it to be a good de-stresser after the week ends; to just show up and play some games for a couple of hours. I wan't this experience to be universal and make sure everyone enjoys being a part of this society as much as I do. Although, from my general understanding people are content the way things currently are; I've heard there is a (fairly popu ...