Law: Treasurer


Roman Nicholas

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Amelia O'Grady

Hi! I’m Amelia, a third-year physics student. The events and marketing organised by the law society have really opened my eyes to potential careers you can pursue with a stem subject. I really respect how many businesses they’re involved with and the opportunities the law society can engineer, and I would love to be a part of facilitating that next year! As treasurer I would aim to help the many speaker a ...

Kye Choo

Hi everyone! My name is Kye and I was the Treasurer for Imperial College Law Society since 2022. During my term as Treasurer, I was adamant on runnning a balanced budget: Between the year 2019 to 2021, our reserves grew from around GBP2360 to around GBP5830. This represent an average surplus of GBP1160 per year. This is not ideal as it means that the money the society got from our sponsors are not fully reinves ...

Theo Hemmant

Hi everyone, My name is Theo and I am a third year Biological Sciences student. I have a real interest in pursuing a career in law, and I would like to help boost this society to enable this for everyone in the society and show to other STEM students that law is a serious option worth considering. As treasurer, I would prioritise ensuring that funds are utilised in a way that enables numerous events to happen throug ...

Harry Hughes

Hi, My name is Harry and I am a 3rd year Materials Science & Engineering student. As an active LawSoc member, I would like the opportunity to give back to the society by managing their finances in the upcoming academic year. This leads from my previous experience as an Academic representative for my course in my first year of university. I hope that I will have you vote in these upcoming elections!