Chemical Engineering: Industrial Relations and Sponsorship Officer


Marta García Belza

Hi everyone! I’m Marta, a current second year student forming part of the IR subcommittee this year. This has given me proper insight to the IR department, and I have been trained to become a potentially successful IR Officer. Through the organisation of our own SME Event, I've gathered experience in various areas including: Formal communication and successful persuasive writing to companies such as LowCarb ...

Rebecca Fayad

Hello everyone! I loved being part of this year's IR subcommittee so much that I am now hoping to become officer. Founding 3 businesses and 4 organisations with over 25 partnerships across them, means that I've got a lot of experience with companies. My vision is to have the chemical engineering society known as the most active society regarding events and companies hosted. I want every person to know what are the o ...