Law: External Relations Officer


Hiro Zhang

Hello Everyone, My name is Hiro Zhang. I am currently a first year Biochemistry student. I am running to be your External Relations Officer. 

By way of introduction, I think that I can perform and be suitable for this position because of my experiences. I have been undertaking my own self-directed studying looking at the English System in my own free time. I am fascinated by Common Law and its application in Science ...

Rosabel Wong

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Theo Hemmant

Hi everyone, My name is Theo and I'm a third year Biological Sciences student. I have a real interest in pursuing a career in law and would like to help enable myself and other students to pursue it. As External Relations Officer I want to convey to both solicitors and chambers that Imperial has a thriving law society, who are all keen to learn more about how to make law a serious and accessible option for them. To ...

Lauren Vinten

Hi everyone! I’m Lauren, a 3rd year Materials student planning to pursue a career in commercial law! I’m running for the position of External Relations Officer, as I believe my experience will allow me to strengthen existing relationships between ICLS and firms in the sector, along with creating many new opportunities. Having previously completed an internship in Intellectual Property law and attended ...