Indian: President


Vishva Nagappan

Indiansoc is not merely a society. It is a community, a family, a vibe. From my first real involvement in the society as the lead of EMW last year, to being elected Drama AD this year and becoming an enthusiastic part of committee, Indiansoc has given me so many experiences, friends, and memories. One of my core principles in life is the concept of full send, and there is nowhere this applies more than to Indiansoc. ...

Sheshpriya Gadiya

Priya for President! Having been the President for Imperial Indian Society over the last academic year, I have had the great priviledge of being part of an amazing community and running the biggest events at this university. However, I believe my work as President has not finished yet! Although we host the biggest inter-univeristy bollywood dance competition as well as the longest running student-led show in the cou ...