Turkish: Events Manager


Yasar Arslan

Hello Turkish Youth! I am Yasar, a second-year Civil Engineering student from our capital Ankara. I have current responsibilities in ICU and would like to work for Turkish Society as well. I was the president of my hall (Falmouth&Keogh) and Secretary of Conferences at ICMUN last year. I'm running for Events Manager because I feel I have the passion, huge experience as well as the talent to help develop unique an ...

Duru Ozturk

Selam! My name is Duru and I'm a first year student. Moving to a completely new country all by myself, Turkish Society really helped me feel at home; whether it was the Sess nights, rakı-meze tables, or even a simple hello from another member on campus. I know how much fun we have during events and want to give back to the society. I have past experience on organizing and managing events and am super excited to hel ...

Kaan Aksoy

Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing well after the past couple of weeks and what happened in our country. My name is Kaan and I’m a second year Biomedical Engineering student. Last year I was actively involved in Turkish Society as the treasurer. By playing a role in the organization of various social events that presented an opportunity for Turkish people in London to gather, I believe I gained valuable e ...

Azra Naz Akinci

Herkese Merhaba! My name is Azra, and I'm a Biology student in my first year of study. I've had the pleasure of meeting many of you this year thanks to the Turkish Society, and I've enjoyed participating in its activities. Even though this is only the society's fourth year, I'm impressed with how quickly it's growing, and I hope to see even more new members joining us next year. However, as the community expands, i ...

Isil Su Sokmen

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