Medical Education: Co-Chair


Keir Bhaskar

Hello! My name is Keir and I am running alongside Sid to be your MedEd Co-Chair for the next academic year. Medical education is something I have been involved in heavily at medical school so far and excelled in. My time spent as an educator in the Year 3 lecture series', OSCE tutoring and CPA tutoring have taught me the most efficient ways to communicate and consolidate information for students. On the contrary, my ...

Chelsea Stubbs

Hello everyone! My name is Chelsea and I would be most honoured to be MedED Co-Chair next year! I've been involved in our MedED-Society since my very first year at university (Dedication to society work), and 4 years on, it's hard to be able to find a MedED event or initiative that I'm not already a part of, helping out behind the scenes with, or being called on last minute to step in to assist with. Most recently, ...

Anouk Wijeratne

Hi everyone! I’m Anouk and I’m running alongside Ria for MedED Co-Chairs. It’s been a pleasure to serve ICSM in MedED and we would be delighted to continue this by leading a society at the heart of the community. In the 2023-24 academic year, we hope to fulfil the following: Expand teaching opportunities for all years through Teaching Academy Collaborate with other societies, further enriching ...

Siddhant Patki

Yo, my name is Sid and I am running with Keir for MedEd Co-Chair next year. MedEd has been a consistent and significant part of my life since the beginning of medical school and has provided me with multiple oppurtunities to get involved through the MedEd SSC, OSCE tutoring sessions and Year 5 MedEd Coordinator. The latter allowing me to organise lecture series, study guides, PACES tutor groups and mock exam session ...

Shila Uruci

Hello, we are Shila and Joyal and we are running together to be Co-Chairs for MedED! If we have your vote we plan to newly implement: - MedED Teaching Conference – This involves having expert educators delivering engaging talks on how to be a successful teacher alongside interactive workshops where participants can actively work on their teaching skills.- MedED Anki Bank – Anki flashcards that are curat ...

Joyal Tom

Hello, we are Joyal and Shila and we are running together to be Co-Chairs for MedED! If we have your vote we plan to newly implement: - MedED Teaching Conference – This involves having expert educators delivering engaging talks on how to be a successful teacher alongside interactive workshops where participants can actively work on their teaching skills.- MedED Anki Bank – Anki flashcards that are curat ...

Ria Varma

Hi everyone! I’m Ria and I’m running alongside Anouk for MedED Co-Chairs. It has been a pleasure to serve ICSM in MedED and we would be delighted to continue this by leading a society at the heart of the community. In the 2023-24 academic year, we hope to fulfil the following: Expand teaching opportunities for all years through Teaching Academy Collaborate with other societies, further enriching the ...