Biochemistry: Publicity & Marketing Officer


Zofie Cheah

Hello! My name is Zofie and I am currently a second year Biochemistry student running for the position of Publicity and Marketing Officer. As a member of BiochemSoc, I hope to elevate the profile of the society and increase engagement with the society's academic and social events. I plan to: Aid in the organising and marketing of more social events, and help bring the Biochem community closer :) Promote a wi ...

Saloni Parikh

My Goals! •I would make a great publicity and marketing officer as I align with the events biochemistry society organises and would love to be part of the push to bring biochemists across all years together. •My priority would be to spread awareness of biochemistry society amongst all years and create a community of supportive biochemists. •I would be excited to use my design/art skills to run the i ...

Jaya Mccorry

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.