Photosoc: Social Secretary


Andres Martinez Llorente

I am Andres Martinez and I am running for Social Secretary of ICL Photosoc. My main interest is street photography, which is great with ICL being located in the centre of London. During 1st year, I discovered and documented many of London's iconic areas through my photographs. Recently, I participated and was featured in the yearly Photosoc exhibition, which was a very rewarding and special moment. This experience, ...

Parag Pandya

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Jack Gardiner

Hi! My name is Jack and I'll be running for social secretary this year. I have been taking photos properly for 5 years now, nearly all in and around London and look forward to coninuing this hobby with the society. I have had experience managing and running events in the past as head prefect of my sixth form college. During that role I organised multiple parent-teacher evenings and had a hand in organising the logi ...

Dat Doan

Hi guys, I'm Dat and I'm running for social secretary at Photosoc! As a new photographer, I've really enjoyed the social events organised this year in Photosoc and they have definitely inspired me to take photography more seriously (and give me an excuse to take my camera somewhere). In particular, the photowalks were really fun and a great way to meet people, explore London and take lots of photos! If I were elec ...