Women in SET: Liaison


Elif Civelekoglu

I wish to be the Liaison for WSET, as I have the right skillset for it. My strong suit is event planning — I can split tasks to their base components to make them more painless, ensuring that the outcome is high in quality and delivered in time. Moreover, I am good at communicating with others, discussing ideas with team members, reaching out to potential sponsors, or making agreements with third parties for ev ...

Emma Burroughs

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Jaehee Park

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Vicky Sham

Hi everyone! I’m Vicky and I am a second year biochemistry student running for the role of Liaison. Since joining, WSET has not only provided invaluable opportunity for female students to network with each other and with professionals in the industry, but is truly an empowering and supportive community to be in. Promotion of gender diversity, especially in the STEM field, is so important and I am enthusiastic ...

Alexa Dita

My name is Alexa and I am in 3rd year ChemEng. I’ve been with WSET since my first year of university, first as member and then as part of the committee. I’ve grown so fond of this community that I wish to be able to support it next year as well. Currently serving in this role, I have acquired the experience and skills to do this job competently, so I would be fit (and glad) to work in this capacity again. ...

Najiyah Khanom

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Alvina Mishra

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.