Women in SET: Vice President


Dawn Lok

Hi everyone! I am Dawn, a Y2 Chemistry student :) Having served as the Industrial relations officer of ChemSoc, I really enjoyed creating platforms for students to explore their personal interests and career aspirations. I would thus like to do the same for a greater audience. In my previous role I was involved in a variety of work: 1) Acquiring sponsorship from companies 2) Organising the BioChem Soc X ChemSoc ...

Sunaina Samir Borkar

Hi everyone! I'm Sunaina, the current Events Organiser of WSET. I am running for Vice President, hoping to continue growing and empowering this incredible family of like-minded women at Imperial. Having attended WSET’s pizza night as a fresher and eventually organising it myself a year later, I can safely say that WSET has become a key part of my life and as VP, I hope to cultivate the same atmosphere for our ...

Anvita Srinath

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Alexa Dita

My name is Alexa and I am in 3rd year ChemEng. I’ve been with WSET since my first year of university, first as member and then as part of the committee. I’ve grown so fond of this community that I wish to be able to support it next year as well, and a key position like this would enable me to have more impact. As VP, my goal would be to deliver engaging and ground-breaking events and networking opportuni ...

Damla Kose

Hello everyone! I’m Damla and I’m running for Vice-President! I am the current IWD Manager. This year, I launched IWD Academic Talk series, where we host female academics from Imperial, and planned an outreach event for term 3 for underprivileged girls in Kent, collaborating with EWB. For next year, I aim to organize more workshops and talks to acquire the necessary skills for job/PhD applications with ...