Entrepreneurs: Marketing Officer


William Chen

My name is Daiyang Chen (William), and I am running for 'Entrepreneurs: Marketing Officer'. I am a first year undergraduate student currently studying BSc Biochemistry, and I am passionate about the financial world. I am proud to be joining Citi as a Spring Intern in April, and I am looking forward to helping students around Imperial College by organising interesting events that will help us all build a better under ...

Louis Reedman

My strategy as Marketing Officer will focus on creating compelling content, hosting events that offer valuable insights into entrepreneurship, and providing access to mentors and industry experts who can offer guidance and advice. During lockdown 2020 I created a business with my sisters, and therefore have some experience in creating graphics to engage and intrigue users. I am committed to being responsive to the ...

Masroor Salam

I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the position of President. As someone with a strong passion for entrepreneurship and a proven track record of success, I believe I have the necessary skills and experience to lead the society to new heights. My vision for the Entrepreneur Society is to create a thriving community of entrepreneurs who can support each other, share knowledge and ideas, and build successful ve ...