Law: Events Coordinator


Maanas Bysani

Hi everyone, I'm a first-year Physicist running for Events Coordinator. Being a naturally responsible and enthusiastic individual, I believe I'd be a great fit for the role. It also requires perseverance, confidence, and assurance, which I can provide. From personal experience, I had trouble trying to understand a part-time tutoring contract a few months ago, and talking to a couple of friends revealed I wasn&rsqu ...

Theo Hemmant

Hi everyone, My name is Theo and I am a third year Biological Sciences student. I have a real interest in law and want to make this as accessible a career path for other STEM students as possible. As Events Coordinator, I want to have an active role in the organisation and implementation of events ranging from socials, to networking opportunities to Q&As and advice with applicaitons from both barristers and soli ...