Indian: Media and Publicity Officer


Ayushi Gupta

Hey guys, I'm Ayushi and I'm running for Media and Publicity Officer for Indian Soc as I would love to be involved with the committee next year as it seems super fun and I really enjoy being creative so it would be the perfect role for me. I have experience in managing social media accounts for other businesses and also did work experience at a graphic design company so I know how to create engaging content, schedul ...

Johann Gonsalves

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Anushka Prakash

Hi, my name's Anushka and I'm a second year med student. Indiansoc is so inspiring to me because I really value the culture of India, and am grateful to be part of a society that showcases it so well. Also, some of my favourite moments at uni have been at these events, which is why I am so passionate about it and would love to encourage future years to attend the events so that they can have an amazing experience too ...

Shiv Choraria

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Rohan Ooken

Salutations fellow members of Indian society,I have a vast array of expertise in the media world, having run a highly successful personal Instagram page with hundreds of followers since 2015 I have also gained extensive work experience under the current media and publicity officer: PARAS DIXIT, for the past year. I have keenly observed the dedication and hard-work required to run the Indian society social media. As ...