Computing: Software Development Coordinator


Nishant Jalan

Hi! I'm Nishant, and I am a First year computing student. I am standing up for Software Development Coordinator. Through DoCSoc events, I have made many connections with my peers and seniors. ICHack '23 was such event where I given the chance to meet like-minded people and put my software abilities to the test. Not only does DoCSoc give the best opportunities to break the ice between students and sponsors, but also ...

Adi Prasad

(For those who don’t know, the SDC organises all the software development-oriented activities DoCSoc hosts / runs). The “big idea” I have and why I’m running is a DoCSoc Online Freelancing Club and perhaps other coding clubs. These clubs would be groups of students working together on a big, ambitious project, without the deadline pressure and annoying requirements of the curriculum projects ...

Edwin Fernando

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.