Physics: Sports Officer


Maanas Bysani

Hi everyone, I am a full-time first-year undergrad and a part-time squash player, running for the role of Sports Officer in the Physics Society. Squash has personally been a great way for me to relax and unwind (especially not understanding Fourier), just like everyone else I’ve met at the court. If elected, I wish to share this experience and feeling with everyone in the Physics department as it’s n ...

Linus Deluca-Perry

Hey everyone, I'm Linus. I want everyone in this department to enjoy being part of this university and leave having had a positive experience. I believe this can come by continuing to expand the social events we do have. We need more easy and cheap/free to attend events where we can hang out with friends or meet new people within our department, what better way than to arrange social sports games and tournaments. ...