Consultancy: ICG VP Marketing & Technology


Cristina De Luna Calero

Hello! My name is Cristina and I am currently a second-year BSc Medical Bioscience with Management student passionate about health management and consultancy. I am running for the VP Marketing & Technology position at the Imperial Consultancy Society for the 2023-2024 academic year eager to obtain experience in the marketing and management fields. Additionally, I am a recent member willing to take this opportun ...

Yazmin Daysak

Hi everyone! I’m Yazmin, a 2nd year Chem with Management student and I'm excited to stand for the position of ICG VP Marketing & Tech. I have been an active member of this society, currently holding the role of the Marketing Associate and throughout my time in this position, I have gained valuable insights into the operations of our society and I am eager to continue contributing to its growth and success. ...

Ellie Lo

Hi everyone! My name is Ellie, a third year (going into fourth year for management) Biochemistry student and an avid member of the Imperial College Consultancy Society. I am running for ICF VP Marketing & Technology because as a highly creative and enthusiastic individual, I am passionate about utilising my skills in design, video editing, and digital marketing to promote the group's mission and values of suppor ...