Immunology: Academic Officer


Rama Aowidah

Hi! I'm Rama - I helped with the another academic socitiety's OSCE tutoring scheme this year and I'd love to be able to help out Immunology society this year! I really appreciated my own CPA tutors this year and so know how valuable the society led tutorial schemes are! Society academics in general do seem to be what get medical students through the course, hence why I've given a few lectures to the year 1s this ye ...

Mustafaa Khan

My interest in immunology, that predates medical school, encouraged me to make use of resources like osmosis, books and immune tutorials to help me appreciate the bigger picture of the immune system year 1 topic. Meanwhile many others focused on memorising specific immune cell functions and complement proteins. As an academic officer, I would gravitate towards encouraging a deeper understanding in others and promotin ...

Tanya Jayakar

I like immunology and I would love to help out with making tutorials !! I really like to teach and have already taught with societies like MM and Meded and I really hope to bring this experience with me to immuno soc!!

Lavanya Murki

Hello, I’m Lavanya and I’m currently a first year medical student. I would like to run for the academic officer for the immunology society because I believe that I will be able to contribute to the immunology society by organising tutorials and talks. At sixth form I had started and led the medical society, so I am aware of challenges that can arise from working in a society but I feel that I have the nec ...

Khushi Srivastava

Hi everyone! I’m Khushi and I would love to be the Academic Officer for immunology society as I have enjoyed being involved in delivering the POM SBAQ tutorials this year. I strongly believe that we do not receive enough exam style question practice and the engagement in the SBAQ tutorial was great. Following on from this success, I would like to expand this tutorial format to produce more exam practice tutor ...

Catherine Sohn

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